St Thomas' C of E Primary School

"Jesus at the heart of a learning community.”

St Thomas’ Life Education Curriculum

Reception Class
Safety and my Body
The children will:
learn the correct names for different parts of their body* including breasts, nipples, penis and vulva.
Know that some parts of my body a private
Know that my body changes as I grow
Understand that there are differences between boys and girls
Know that my body is mine
Understand about personal space
Understand when they might need privacy
Identify whether or not they feel safe or unsafe in different situations
Begin to understand about respect for my body
Begin to understand about touching and what is appropriate and what isn't
Understand the concept of trust and consider who they trust
Know why keeping clean is important and how to take responsibility for some of this
To understand what it means to be a safe pedestrian

*We use the correct terms to help remove any embarrassment or shame about these body parts. Also knowing these words means that the children can clearly explain if they are unwell or have a worry. Knowing these terms also helps to protect children because they learn that these parts of the body of private. We encourage parents and carers to use the same terms at home, but we do understand that families often have informal body-part terms that they use. We would ask that you take on board the need to use the same terms as school.

Families and Relationships
The children will:
begin to recognise that people are individual and unique
Give examples of similarities and differences in their group
Begin to understand that treating somebody badly/poorly but based on a difference is not okay
Talk about their own family
Describe the role that parents/carers play
Discuss different family situations
Understand that different adults family and professional people provide care for children
know the jobs of the main professional people who provide care
Learn to listen to others
Learn how to communicate effectively
Understand the value of friendships
Learn about co-operating, sharing, manners and helping others
Recognise the importance of kindness and how to show kindness towards others
Aware of the needs of a baby

Health and Wellbeing
The children will
Develop an understanding of a range of feelings which they can talk about
Know that if they are sad or upset they can talk to an adult they trust
Consider the reasons behind our emotions
explore different coping strategies to help regulate our emotions
explore different facial expressions and what they mean
see themselves as a valuable individual
understand that it is okay to like different things
learn new skills, showing resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge
Learn about the importance of exercise
Understand what it means to eat healthily

Children will
Understand why we have rules
work together as a group to overcome challenges
communicate effectively with others


Safety and the Changing Body
The children will learn
the correct names for different parts of their body including breasts, nipples, penis, scrotum, testicles and vulva.
the concept of bodily autonomy, that their body is their body and that parts of their body are private (Pantosaurus song).
who I would go to if I had a question or worry
the difference between acceptable and unacceptable physical contact
To recognise their feelings and give examples of how they feel at different times or in different circumstances
The difference between a secret and a surprise
What it means to ask for permission
what to do if I get lost
know what an emergency is and how to make a phone call if needed

Families and Relationships
The children will learn
How friendships are formed and nurtured
the importance and characteristics of positive friendships
Who to go to if they are worried or concerned about peer relationships
to consider the feelings associated with friendships
Explore the importance of respect and how to show respect to others
That there are adults in their lives who care for them and look after them, this includes professional people
That care can be physical and emotional
That there can be different types of families and that families can change
Begin to understand how loss and change can affect us
Begin to understand what is meant by a stereotype

The children will learn
What the Internet is and how to use it safely, specifically, pop-ups and in app purchasing, upsetting images, unreliable information, talking to strangers online, the importance of keeping passwords private
what the term cyber bullying means
When I should talk to a trusted adult about online activity
That there can be consequences to online behaviour

Health and Wellbeing
The children will learn
To recognise their own feelings, how they feel at different times or in different circumstances
About themselves, what makes them unique and the idea of diversity
To recognise that people have different opinions to me and that it is important to respect them
That how I look, how I behave, or my aspirations should not be limited by stereotypes
Why keeping clean/hygiene is important to health
the risks associated with the sun
that there are people who help keep us healthy
about the benefits of physical exercise
techniques to relax
to develop a growth (can do) mindset
what it means to have a healthy diet

Children will begin to understand:
the importance of rules
the needs of babies
how democracy works
ways to look after the school environment
the roles people play in looking after the environment
ways to share an opinion

Economic Wellbeing
Children will begin to understand:
What money is and where it comes from
that banks look after money and the benefits of bank accounts
that people make different choices about spending and saving money
some of the jobs that exist in school
the difference between needs and wants
that skills and interests help someone decide what job to do


Safety and the Changing Body
The children will learn
the correct names for different parts of their body including breasts, nipples, penis, scrotum, testicles, vulva, vagina, uterus/womb and ovaries
Understand where living things come from and about the human life cycle (not conception)
About bodily autonomy and the concept of consent
About personal space and boundaries
About their senses, about how senses are used when considering if they like or dislike something
That feelings and responses are communicated both verbally and non-verbally
To recognise different emotions
How to listen and communicate effectively
What to do in an emergency situation and how to call the emergency services for help
Learn basic first-aid for bites, stings, bleeding and what to do if someone has a severe allergic reaction
The importance of personal hygiene
That all forms of abuse are wrong
Help seeking behaviours

Families and Relationships
The children will learn
About where living things come from and about how they grow, develop and are nurtured
About the needs of a baby and how they are cared for
That there are different kinds of friendships and relationships
about the qualities of good friends and the importance of friendship
Will build their understanding of positive, healthy relationships
That even good friends have disagreements or fallout
Understand how their behaviour and actions affect other people
About conflicts and resolving conflicts
About themselves, what makes them unique and the idea of diversity
What is meant by the terms heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
About stereotypes and gender biased expectations
Understand and except diversity amongst my peers
what is meant by the terms racism, transphobia, prejudice, discrimination and sexism
To show respect for others

Children are often curious about what gay, lesbian or bisexual means and these terms will be simply explained in a factual and nonjudgemental way. We will also introduce the word ‘heterosexual’. Our focus is on love and relationships and about learning to respect each other and be kind to all.

The children will learn
How to be respectful to others online and describe how to recognise healthy and unhealthy online behaviours
Identify potential dangers in online environments
To identify adults that I trust and who can help when I have a question or a worry
Help seeking behaviours
How to become safer in their computer gaming habits and how to manage risk in different situations
about cyberbullying

Health and Wellbeing
The children will
Understand a range of emotions
Understand what mental health is and who can help if I need it
understand different aspects of their identity
learn about themselves, what makes them unique and the idea of diversity
Identify their own strengths
Understand what is meant by a healthy lifestyle including physical activity, rest and diet
Understand what is meant by the term disability
understand how we can look after our teeth
Describe what makes me feel calm and relaxed
Develop a growth mindset and understand that mistakes are useful
identify what's important to me and to take responsibility for my own happiness
Begin to understand the risks of smoking and the benefits of being a non-smoker

The children will
Understand the responsibilities of both children and adults to help all children benefit
Understand the environmental benefits of recycling
Understand the groups that make up the community and the role they play
Understand the value of diversity in a community
Understand that charities care for others and how people can support them
Begin to understand how democracy works in the local area and the role of government
Understand why we have rules and the consequences of breaking rules at school and at home

Economic Wellbeing
The children will
Understand the different ways to pay for things and why people might choose them
Understand how to put together budget
To recognise that money has an impact on how we feel
Begin to recognise how ethics can influence our spending decisions
Begin to understand what makes something good value for money
Begin to understand the importance of keeping track of money
Understand ways money can be lost and how this makes people feel
I understand that there are a range of jobs available and to think about what job they might want to do
Understand that there are stereotypes in the workplace and these should not limit peoples career aspirations

Y4 Only - Parents will be informed via email before these lessons start.
The children will learn
the correct names for parts of their body, including male and female genitalia, and their functions (nipples, penis, scrotum, testicles, foreskin, vulva, vagina, cervix, womb/uterus, ovaries) *These lessons do not include intercourse.
That change is part of growing up
About the physical and emotional changes that take place during puberty
About menstruation (girls only)

Research has shown that children are starting puberty earlier, therefore it is important to teach children about puberty at a younger age. Children need to know about what is going to happen to them before they start puberty and understand that they do not need to worry about the changes that will happen.


Safety and the Changing Body
The children will learn
About different types of abuse a child can experience
That all forms of abuse are wrong
To differentiate between surprises and secrets and how to approach a trusted adult with a secret they want to divulge
Identify trusted adults who can help when I have a worry or a question
Help seeking behaviours
the correct names for parts of their body, including male and female genitalia, and their functions (nipples, penis, scrotum, testicles, foreskin, vulva, vagina, cervix, womb/uterus, ovaries)
About the physical and emotional changes that take place during puberty
about the menstrual cycle
The importance of personal hygiene
Learn about identities and the things that contribute to identity
Understand that the media manipulates images
About the risks of alcohol and tobacco
Basic first-aid skills

Families and Relationships
The children will
Understand that different kinds of relationships and friendships exist
Understand how to form and maintain positive relationships and explore the ups and downs of friendships
To resolve disputes and conflicts through negotiation and compromise
Explain how positive relationships enhance emotional well-being
Acknowledge pressures on them to be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship
Understand self respect
Understand the concept of marriage
Understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in personal and loving relationships
Understand the terms stereotype and discrimination
Identify stereotypes and challenge stereotypical thinking
Understand more about bullying and how to get help
About diversity in family life
Understand and explain the role and qualities of a parent/carer
learn that it's normal to feel lonely, but there are strategies they can use to safely build connections with family, friends and their community

The children will
about staying safe online
Begin to understand some issues related to online friendships including the impact of their actions
Understand that online relationship should be treated in the same way as face-to-face relationships
Learn how to critically consider sources of information found online
Understand what is safe to share online

Health and Wellbeing
The children will learn
To recognise their feelings
Build a positive sense of self
Recognise what makes me special and unique
About change and loss, including death, and how these can affect feelings
Explore strategies to manage feelings of loss, grief, bereavement
Explore strategies to manage failure and why they should embrace failure
To set themselves goals and consider how they will achieve them
A range of self-care strategies, including connecting with others, being physically active, getting a good nights sleep and learning something new
To understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle
To understand the potential impact of technology on physical and mental health
Skills to help them respond to difficult situations
ways that we can help prevent ourselves and others becoming ill and how to seek support
How habits can be good or bad for our health

The children will
Begin to understand what happens when the law is broken
Explore the links between rights and responsibilities
understand human rights, including the right to education
understand how reducing our use of materials and energy will help the environment
understand some environmental issues relating to food and food production
understand how to show care and concern for others
recognise prejudice and discrimination and learn how these can be challenged
understand diversity and the value different people bring to a community
Recognise the role of pressure groups
begin to understand how Government works

Economic Wellbeing
The children will understand
attitudes and feelings around money
How to keep money in bank account safe
income and expenditure and how to track money
that loan can be a way to pay for things but that it needs to be repaid
the risks associated with money and gambling
How to put together a weekly budget
the range of jobs people might do
the different routes available into careers
that stereotypes can exist in the workplace but they should not affect peoples career aspirations

Transition - Y6 only
The children will learn
that the change to secondary school can seem like a big one and that they are likely to have mixed feelings about it
ways to help manage some of these feelings

Y6 only - Parents will be informed via email a week before these lessons start.
The children will learn
About their body including sexual organs/genitals
About conception, pregnancy and birth
basic knowledge about sexual intercourse
Understand that sex is something adults do in a loving relationship
About the age of consent
The reasons why contraception may be used
Introduced to the concept of human sexuality

Sex is explained as part of an adult relationship which is characterised by kindness, love and intimacy.
Sexuality is described as being about what we feel, what we do and is something that exists within ourselves. The purpose of talking and learning about the idea of human sexuality is so that children develop an understanding that sexuality is not just about ‘having sex’. The children will learn about sexuality by exploring these aspects: feelings, spirituality, own identity, self image and relationships.

The Life Education curriculum will continually be reviewed and updated to meet the needs of our children in an ever changing world.

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